abstract, abstractexpressiomism, acrylics, art, art therapy, artist, colorful, contemporary art, fine art, modern art, painting, stress relief, tattoos, traditional art

“wiggly pinwheel”

It’s been 5 weeks since I posted anything or looked at anyone else’s blogs. 😭

I had to pack up my art supplies so we could decorate for Christmas and have a beautiful house (I’ll post an Xmas blog with the pictures and whatever words I can squeeze out. lol!) That meant all the art stuff had to go in boxes down to the garage.

Ifelt so angry when I was doing it, though I agreed to do because I love to make the house look lovely and super Christmassy. It’s probably my favorite part of the holiday season. More on that in the Xmas post.

It’s been really hard to deal with, not being able paint. I did some drawings, but I’m not great at it, I don’t love doing them as much. Until recently it was difficult on my eyes (lots more on that soon).

“Wiggly Pinwheel”
That’s what I saw. What do you see in the painting below?

I painted this last night. I wanted to make an atmosphere of joy and exuberance because I was so happy to be painting! It felt healing. Hooray for art therapy!
 I listened to The Police while I painted. I started loving them was I was 13 when my aunt bought me Synchronicity for Christmas. And that was that. 😀
I used some odd tools to make this, brushes and palette knives, of course, but also things like plastic silverware, toothbrushes, paper towels and little straws.

It was fun to make and I think it looks happy.