
discussion of my collages

fruit basket

i started making collages last year. i started out slowly, but began to advance after awhile. this is one of my favorites.
it’s all about composition. i spent a really long time shuffling things around and cutting out this or that, trying decide on papers (especially handmade paper) and making lots of decisions. it’s hard to start. i usually don’t have anything in mind other than one element or one color. with this one, i started with the black paper in the background and the accordions.

sometimes i come up with really cool things to use like, accordions, or in another case a pearl handled derringer, or lady’s hand fans. once you have something like that to focus on, then other things start to fall into place. i had the apple among some already cut out pieces. flowers of the right colors are often useful  in defining a collage. the thing that gave everything come together  and inspired other parts, was the yellow swath of handmade paper with trees with buds on them. it gave it a shape to work around.

i got excited as it fleshed out. i could tell it was going to be a good one!  i glued things down when i was pretty sure i knew where they belonged, on the paper and in relation to one another. i layered them, to create add depth and to place them in a way that some stand out more than others.

though i haven’t made a collage lately, i still count them as one of my favorite mediums to work with, if you have the patience!

more of my collages….

dragon dancepuffer fish collage


"dance on paper
“dance on paper

bird house




i went outside to sit on my steps in the sun, and i saw this. it’s on my very own steps. sooooo cool. i take everything with my MotoX phone camera. i carry my phone everywhere with me. everywhere. lol it opens the camera if you turn it twice quickly, the sort of thing all smartphones do, and it’s possible to catch anything quickly! i snapped a bunch of these, played ball with the dog, came in and connected the phone to the pc. is that not awesome? i really like gadgets!

anyway! now part of my house is in the neighborhood shadow (sorry no trees involved lol) photo series. w00t!